Arcanine 風速狗 (#059)


arcane : ADJ. 神秘
– difficult or impossible to understand
– requiring secret knowledge to be understood


In the arcane world of scholarship and science, promotions are seldom speedy and almost always painfully slow.
canine : Of, relating to, or resembling a dog or dogs.

Poliwag 蚊香蝌蚪 (#060)


Poliwag = polliwog(蝌蚪) + wag(搖晃)
pollywog: A tadpole (also called a pollywog) is the larval stage in the life cycle of an amphibian, particularly that of a frog or toad
wag: if a dog wags its tail, it moves its tail from one side to the other several times

Poliwhirl 蚊香君 (#061)


Poliwhirl polliwog a tadpole; baby frog/toad
whirl:circular pattern N. 旋轉;使人眼光撩亂的變遷;

Poliwrath 蚊香泳士 (#062)


Poliwrath = polliwog + wrath
wrath – strong anger, often with a desire for revenge
N. 憤怒; 狂怒; 怒氣; 怒火
They were forced to obey their captain because they were afraid of his wrath.

Abra 凱西 (#063)


Abra = Abracadabra
a word said by magicians when performing a magic trick.


Kadabra 勇基拉 (#064)


Kadabra = Abracadabra
a word said by magicians when performing a magic trick.


Alakazam 胡地 (#065)


Alakazam = alakazam
another magical word, sometimes used with ‘abracadabra’

Machop 腕力 (#066)


Machop = macho + chop(砍);
macho – a male who displays conventional masculine characteristics
ADJ. [貶義]有男子漢氣概的
He is a tough macho guy.

You better run, you better do what you can
Don’t wanna see no blood, don’t be a macho man
You wanna be tough, better do what you can
So beat it, but you wanna be bad

From “Beat It” lyrics by Michael Jackson

Machoke 豪力 (#067)


Machoke = macho + choke(To strangle, 使窒息)

Machamp 怪力 (#068)


Machamp = macho + champion(冠軍;擁護者;戰士)


Bellsprout 喇叭芽 (#069)


Bellsprout = Bell(鍾型) + sprout(萌芽)


Weepinbell 口呆花 (#070)


Weepinbell = weeping(哭泣的) + Bell(鍾)

Victreebel 大食花 (#071)


Victreebel = victory + tree + bell

Tentacool 瑪瑙水母 (#072)


Tentacool tentacle(觸鬚、觸角) + cool(冷酷)

Tentacruel 毒刺水母 (#073)


Tentacruel = tentacle(觸鬚、觸角) + cruel(殘酷)

Geodude 小拳石 (#074)


Geodude = geo(relating to the Earth) + dude



Graveler 隆隆石 (#075)


Graveler = gravel
gravel: small pieces of stone used for making paths and roads


Golem 隆隆岩 (#076)


Golem = golem
golem: N. (十六世紀希伯來傳說中的)有生命的假人
in Jewish legend, an imaginary being made of clay and brought to life by magical incantations.

Ponyta 小火馬 (#077)


Ponyta = pony + ta

Rapidash 烈焰馬 (#078)


Rapidash = rapid + dash
dash: – to run, move, or travel fast or hastily

Slowpoke 呆呆獸 (#079)


Slowpoke = slowpoke
slowpoke someone who takes more time than necessary; someone who lags behind


Slowbro 呆殼獸 (#080)


Slowbro = slow + bro


Magnemite 小磁怪 (#081)


Magnemite = magnetite
magnetite : N. 磁鐵體
– a common black magnetic mineral consisting of iron oxide.

Magneton 三合磁怪 (#082)


Magneton = magnet + ton

Farfetch’d 大蔥鴨 (#083)


Farfetch’d = far + fetchd
來自日語的俗語 鴨が蔥を背負って來る:好事送上門
英語有個 far-fetchd, 意思是 not likely to happen or be true

Doduo 嘟嘟 (#084)


Doduo = dodo
dodo 是一種滅絕的鳥類
duo 是雙的意思


Dodrio 嘟嘟利 (#085)


Dodrio = dodo + trio
trio 是三個一組


Seel 小海獅 (#086)


Seel = seal(海豹)

Dewgong 白海獅 (#087)


Dewgong = dew(露水) + dugong(儒艮為海牛目儒艮科草食性海生動物)

Grimer 臭泥 (#088)


Grimer = grime
grime: N. 污垢;煤垢
– thick dirt that forms on surfaces
Her bed was at the very end of the ward, near a cracked window thickened with grime.

Muk 臭臭泥 (#089)


Muk = muck
much: N. 牛馬糞
– moist manure or compost, especially when used to fertilize land
One could no more do that than one could roll up one‘s sleeves and go down into the muck.


Shellder 大舌貝 (#090)


Shellder = shell + shelter
shelter: N. 避難所;遮蓋物 
We built a temporary shelter out of branches.


Cloyster 刺甲貝 (#091)


Cloyster = cloister + oyster(牡蠣)
or Cloyster = clam(蛤) + oyster(牡蠣)
cloister : V. 把…關在修道院里;使…與世隔絕
a researcher who cloisters himself in a laboratory

Gastly 鬼斯 (#092)


Gastly = gas + ghastly
ghastly: ADJ. 恐怖的,可怕的

Haunter 鬼斯通 (#093)


Haunter = Haunt
Haunt: (鬼魂等)經常出沒,作祟

Gengar 耿鬼 (#094)


Gengar = Doppelgänger(德語)
Doppelgänger: 面貌極相似的人;酷似活人的幽靈

Onix 大岩蛇 (#095)


Onix = onyx
onyx 一種石頭


Drowzee 催眠貘 (#096)


Drowzee = drowsy + zee(Zzz)
drowsy: ADJ. 昏昏欲睡的,睏倦的;打着瞌睡的
– tending to make somebody feel sleepy
It was a warm, quiet, drowsy afternoon.


Hypno 引夢貘人 (#097)


Hypno = hypnosis
hypnosis: N. 催眠(狀態);催眠術
The most important factor in hypnosis is suggestibility.

Krabby 大鉗蟹 (#098)


Krabby = crab(螃蟹) + crabby(easily annoyed by unimportant things)

Kingler 巨鉗蟹 (#099)


Kingler = king + fiddler
king crab: 帝王蟹, 一種螃蟹
fiddler crab: 招潮蟹, 一種螃蟹

Voltorb 霹靂電球 (#100)


Voltorb = volt(伏特) + orb(圓形物體)
voltage 電壓


Electrode 頑皮雷彈 (#101)


Electrode = electric + explode(爆炸)



Exeggcute 蛋蛋 (#102)


Exeggcute = egg + execute(槍決 to exterminate)

Exeggutor 椰蛋樹 (#103)


Exeggutor = egg + executor(執行者 an exterminator)

Cubone 卡拉卡拉 (#104)


Cubone = cub + bone
cub: N. 仔獸;〔美國〕小熊;(狼、虎等的)仔
an offspring of a carnivorous mammal such as a bear, lion, or tiger

Marowak 嘎啦嘎啦 (#105)


Marowak = marrow + whack(to hit)
whack: N. 〔口語〕毆打(聲),重打


Hitmonlee 飛腿郎 (#106)


Hitmonlee = hit + monster + lee(Bruce Lee, 李小龍)


Hitmonchan 快拳郎 (#107)


Hitmonchan = hit + monster + chan(Jackie Chan, 成龍)

Lickitung 大舌頭 (#108)


Lickitung = lick(舔) + tongue(舌頭)

Koffing 瓦斯彈 (#109)


Koffing = cough + ing
cough: V. 咳嗽
Cover your mouth when you cough.

Weezing 雙彈瓦斯 (#110)


Weezing = wheeze + ing
wheeze: V. 氣喘,呼哧呼哧直響
Toglio was wheezing like a bull.


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