Leave it to me. 讓我來
Got it? 懂了嗎?
I mean it. 我是說真的; 我是認真的
I'll be right back. 我馬上回來
How can you tell? 你怎麼知道?你怎麼看得出來?
What a crap! 一派胡言; 胡說八道
Don't get it wrong! 不要會錯意
Let's get started. 我們開始吧; 動手吧
Let's take a vote. 我們投票表決吧
It's not what you think! 不是你想像的那樣
Take a hike! 省省吧! 得了吧!
Take a walk! 省省吧! 得了吧!
Get in line! 排隊吧!
Take a number! 排隊吧!你等著吧!你省省吧! 目前還輪不到你,暫時沒有你的份啦
Welcome aboard. 歡迎光臨
Don't be childish! 不要孩子氣了
Grow up! 成熟點吧!
Can we just drop it? 不要再談這件事了好嗎?
Not this time! 不會又來(發生這種事)了吧!
What are you getting at? 你打什麼主意? 你到底想幹嘛? 你在賣什麼膏藥?
It's nothing personal. 這不關私人恩怨
Don't screw this up. 不要把這事搞碴了
I have nothing to hide. 我沒啥好隱瞞的
Everybody, listen up! 大家聽好!
Sure thing. 當然囉
Everybody, listen up! 大家聽好!
Show time! 開始囉! 上場囉!
Let's party! 開始囉!
Or what? 否則呢? 要不然呢?
We're going to make it. 我們會成功的
I don't think so! 我不認為如此
Use your head! 用大腦想想吧!
I owe you one! 我欠你一次(人情)
Nope! 不
Yeah! Yep! 是的
You're damn right! 你說得對極了!
Don't insult me. 不要侮辱我
Keep an eye on my dog. 幫我看著狗
Thank God! 謝天謝地
He took off already. 他已經離開了
It's a figure of speech. 這只是個比喻而已
She got a big mouth. 她是個大嘴吧
I met her in person yesterday! 我昨天親自跟她見面了
I can handle it! 我應付得來
This is not gonna work. 這行不通的
Who gives it a shit! 誰在乎啊?
I don't give it a damn/shit!
我才不在乎呢! 我才不鳥呢!
He's a pest. 他是討厭鬼
Piss off! 滾
He was pissed. 他被惹火了
Send for the doctor! 去請醫師來
Send them (in). 去叫他們(進來)
Hold on! 等一下; (電話用語)請稍待
She's the cheer leader. 她是啦啦隊/隊長
You got me! 你難倒我了
You could have fooled me. 你差點唬倒我
Get real! 實際點吧! 清醒點吧!
Keep it down! 小聲點
That makes the two of us. 彼此彼此
I won't be long. 我馬上回來
I know you mean well. 我知道你是好意
She's a real hot dish! 她真是秀色可餐
She's some dish! 她是個美人兒
Can you break a $100 bill? 一佰元找得開嗎?
You got change? 你有零錢嗎?
There's a hitch. 出了一點小問題/小毛病/小波折
What the hell is that? 那是什麼鬼東西?
Who the hell are you? 你算老幾?
Where the hell is my watch? 我的錶到底在哪?
When the hell will you be here? 你到底什麼時候會到?
Doll face! 娃娃臉
Baby face! 娃娃臉
Lover boy! 小白臉; 男朋友
It can't be worse! 糟糕透了
She can't stand you! 她受不了你
Don't you get it!? 你不明白嗎?
Rules are rules! 規定就是規定
Have I lost ya (you)? 你跟不上嗎?
Come on! Kill them. 給他們好看
Just a sec., OK? 馬上好,行不行?
She's wide awake. 她清醒得很; 她早醒了
Let's draw straws. 我們來抽籤
Can do! 可以,行!
Can't do! 不行
What (the hell/heck/fuck) are you doing here? 你(他媽的/到底)在這裡幹什麼?
Who (the hell/heck/fuck) are you? 你是哪根蔥?
Are you laughing at me? 你在笑我嗎?
We think he's dirty. 我們認為他不乾淨/有污點/有問題/不清廉
We may need this lead. 我們可能需要這條線索
Back off! 退後
It didn't work out! 行不通
Cut that crap! 少胡說八道
No use. 沒用
You have my words. 我向你保證
I can tell. 我看得出來
Everything went wrong. 一切都不對勁
The manager's a real ass/asshole. 經理是個混球/混蛋
This is insanity. 太瘋狂了
That gives me the chill. 使我毛骨悚然
It's creepy. 令人毛骨悚然
It gives me the creeps. 令人毛骨悚然
Carry on! 加油; 加把勁; 持續下去
Well? 怎樣? 如何?
That explains it. 難怪; 怪不得; 這說得通
Any luck? 得手了嗎? 成了嗎? 好了嗎?
No luck! 沒有
I like it here. 我喜歡這裡
I'll take care of it. 我來搞定; 我會注意這件事的
You wouldn't dare! 你敢!
How dare you! 你敢!
I dare you! 我向你挑戰
What's the catch? 有什麼(交換)條件?
You're scaring me. 你嚇到我了
It's scary! 真恐怖!
It doesn't matter. 沒關係,不重要
Don't be ridiculous! 別開玩笑了! 別傻了!
How's that? 怎麼會?
Dad always had the final say. 決定權在爸爸
It's your call now. 決定權在你自己
He spoke up for me. 他挺身為我說話
He stood up for me. 他為我挺身而出
Let me catch my breath. 讓我喘口氣
Don't you worry! 不用擔心!
What's the rush? 急什麼?
I'd better be going. 我該走了
Kiss your ass good-bye! 滾你的蛋!
Nice meeting you. 很高興認識你
You're toasted. 你死定了
What's the story? 怎麼回事
I can't take it anymore. 我再也受不了了
She's a psychic. 她是靈媒
He's a psycho (sicko). 他是個變態
Let me buy you dinner. 我請妳吃飯
For real? 玩真的? 當真?
For real. 真的
Show time! 開始囉! 上場囉!
Let's party! 現在開始吧!
Wait up! 等等!
How are you doing? 你還好嗎?
Don't get it wrong! 別會錯意
On what grounds? 根據什麼?
I could, but I wouldn't. 我做得到,只是不想做而己
It's out of the question! 不行! 不可能!
Don't hang up. 不要掛斷
Hold on. 不要掛斷
Keep away! Go away! 走開!
Just spit it out! 說出來吧!
Just let it out! 說出來吧!
Morning, little cookie. 早安,小毛
Hi, pumpkin! 嗨,小毛!
Hi, ace! 嗨,小毛!
Hi, sweetie! 嗨,小甜心!
Hi, champ! 嗨,小毛!
He did a real good job. 他真的做得很好
He's such a kidder! 他真會開玩笑
Thank you for your time. 打攪你了; 謝謝你的接待
I'll be right with you. 我馬上回來
You got a short memory! 你太健忘了
How is it going? 進行得怎麼樣? 你好嗎?
I can't complain! 太好了! 無可挑剔!
So I heard. 我聽說了
Beer's on me, kids. 兄弟們,啤酒我請客
She's a real pro. 她是個中好手; 她是專家; 她是內行人
How's that? 如何? 怎麼會呢?
He is a good man. 他是個好人
Good my ass! 好個屁!
None of your (God damned) business! 沒你的事! 關你屁事!
It pays to visit Paris. 巴黎值得一遊
It's paid off. 很值得
I don't get it. 我不懂
Let me guess. 讓我猜猜看
He's going nowhere. 他不會有前途的; 不會有出息的
May I ask who's calling? (電話)請問您是哪一位?
I didn't mean any offense. 我無意冒犯
It's not gonna be easy. 事情不輕鬆
You just got to try. 你總得試試
Just a sec. 等會兒
There you go! 好啦! 你說得對! 對啦!
I wanna stick around for a while. 我想多混一會兒; 我想多待一會兒
He is hooking on the net all day long! 他整天掛在網路上
He's taking odd jobs. 他打零工
Stay out of trouble! 不要惹麻煩
Stay out of this. 不要插手此事
Stay out of it! 不要介入
What are you up to? 你想幹嘛?
He came up with a new idea. 他想出了新點子
He came up with a strange question! 他問了一個怪問題
I'm in. 我加入
I'm out of this! 我退出!
You're imagining things! 你胡思亂想
Whatever it takes! 不計代價
I'll turn you in. 我會檢舉你的
You have a minute? 你有空嗎?
You got a minute? 你有空嗎?
It's junk! 這是爛東西
Just let it go. 忘了這件事吧!
Are you nuts?! 你瘋了?!
You've got to be there! 你一定要去!
You guessed right! 你猜對了!
Don't be a stranger. 不要見外
Things will change. 情況會改變的
This is kid stuff. 這是兒戲
You pissed him off! 你把他惹毛了!
That pissed me off! 那使我很火大!
You're such a mess! 你真狼狽!
You look like shit! 你看起來真狼狽!
Tell me about it! 這還用你說!
You know something? 你知道嗎? 我告訴你呀…
Tell you what…我告訴你呀…
You're shitting me! 你騙我!
Don't get involved. 不要介入
Is he on a date? 他在約會嗎?
Meaning? 什麼意思?
I'm under cover. 我在臥底
You're in deep shit this time! 你麻煩大了!
Is he in trouble? 他遇上麻煩了嗎?
You are in big trouble now! 你現在麻煩大了!
She's a chatterbox. 她是個話匣子
It's out of order. 壞了,故障了
My phone is dead. 我的電話壞了
My scooter died this morning. 我的摩托車早上掛了
How did it go? 進行得如何?
How did your party go? 你的派對怎麼樣? 好玩嗎?
Good job, Mike. 麥克,幹得好; 表現很好
Sue me! 去告我吧!
May I be excused? 我可以先告退嗎?
My bad! 是我的錯!
I was laughing my head (butt) off! 我笑翻了!
I laughed my ass off! 笑死我了!
I'll kick your ass! 我會宰了你!
It's an ass-kicking concert! 好炫的演唱會!
Just for old time's sake. 敘敘舊嘛!
My good deed in a day! 日行一善呀!
We broke up. 我們分手了
She dumped me! 她甩了我!
Drop dead! 去死吧!
Go to hell! 去死吧!
What a surprise! 稀客稀客! 真料想不到!
She's adorable! 她好可愛
He always kisses his boss's ass (butt). 他老是拍老闆馬屁
He kisses up to his boss all the time. 他老是拍上司馬屁
You never learned! 你老是學不到教訓!
Are we on the same page here? 我們是在說同一件事嗎? 我們取得共識了嗎?
Do we understand each other? 我們彼此瞭解了嗎? 我們取得共識了嗎?
Is it understood? 瞭解了嗎?
Is that understood? 瞭解了嗎?
No exceptions. 沒有例外; 不可破例; 不可破戒
I'll always be there for you. 我會永遠支持你
I'm beat! 我累死了!
I couldn't get myself to do that! 我無法如此做!
I didn't get around to reading that book. 我會抽不出空/沒機會看那本書呢
That's the easiest way out. 那是最好的出路; 最好的解決之道
He's real dramatic. 他真誇張
She's calling in sick again. 她又請病假了
You better get used to it. 你最好早點適應
What do you want from me? 你到底要我怎麼樣?
Shoot! 說吧! 有屁快放!
I'd better get going!I gotta go. 我得走了
I gotta go. 我得走了
I'd like to take a rain check! 下一次吧; 我下次一定會(照做)
Maybe some other time. 下一次吧
Maybe some other day. 改天吧
Are you hitting on her? 你在追(求)她嗎?
He's good! 他有兩下子; 他有兩把刷子; 他很行
Are you spying on me? 你在窺探(跟蹤)我嗎?
I didn't mean to pry. 我不是有意剌探
Don't flatter yourself! 少臭美了
How long will it take? 要花多少時間?
You got to get over it! 你必須要克服它
Hold it! 站住,停住
Freeze! 站住; 不要動
I'm allergic to the cat! 我對貓過敏
He's hitching. 他搭便車
She fell apart. 她崩潰了
She broke down. 她崩潰了
You dumb bell/dumb ass! 你這笨蛋
You quitter! 你這半途而廢的人; 沒有恆心的人
You, loser! 你這失敗者; 沒出息的傢伙; 不長進的東西!
Can that be arranged? 可以安排一下嗎?
Not a good time? 時候不對嗎? 不方便嗎?
Get (the hell) out of here! 不會吧! 你是他媽的開玩笑吧!
Sit tight! 你好好等; 坐穩啦!
Sleep tight! 好好睡
Just be cool, all right? 冷靜點可以嗎?
Calm down! 冷靜點!
Welcome to the party! 歡迎! 來得好!
I'm all ears. 我洗耳恭聽
You're lying your head off! 看你臭蓋得眉飛色舞
- May 16 Sat 2015 23:36