教大家常用的英文縮寫Texting and Chat Language
上班MSN, 玩facebook, 打game 必學!
學會了之後 必定可以強化BS(打屁)的效率喔!! (不確定這有甚麼好處...)
WTF 翻譯成中文應該是: 搞屁ㄚ!
*$ = Starbucks 星巴克
(例: dude! you heading *$? Get me a tall coffee! 老兄你要去星巴克嗎? 幫我弄杯咖啡來)
143 = I love you = 831 我愛你
(因為I是一個英文字母 love 四個 you 三個, 老外常用143代表I love you;
另外831也是 I love you 因為I love you共8個字母, 3個字, 代表1種意思)
831=I love you
143 = I love you
404 = clueless 我不知道
(404 is the error message given when a browser cannot find a webpage and has come to mean "clueless" in text speak.)
A3 = Anytime, Anyplace, Anywhere 何時何地都okay
(例: Dude, you wanna meet up to9? 今晚要碰頭嗎? A3何時何地都okay)
Addy = address 地址
AKA = As known as 人稱作
(Michael Jackson AKA king of pop 麥克傑克森 人稱 流行樂天王)
ASAP = As soon as possible 盡快
ASAFP = As Soon As F***ing Possible 盡他X的快
AFAIK = As far as I know 就我現在所得到的消息...
AYPI = and your point is? 你重點是… (例: AYPI? cut the BS! 你重點是…少廢話 )
ASL or A/S/L = age, sex, location 年紀 性別 地點
ATB = all the best 祝福你 (常用在email的結語)
AYDY = are you done yet? 你有完沒完
AYT = are you there? 你在嗎?
B2W = back to work 不聊了 我要回去工作
B4n / bfn = bye for now 先這樣
B9 = boss is watching 老闆正在看 (B9, can’t talk 老闆在, 不說了)
B99 =老闆沒在看了 (sup, B99 如何 老闆閃了)
BF = boyfriend 男友
B4 = before 前
B4N = bye for now 先這樣
BASOR = breathing a sigh of relief 喘了一口氣 (輕鬆了)
BB = bye-bye
BBL = be back later 馬上會來
BC = because = b/c 因為
BDAY = birthday 生日
BFF = best friend forever 永遠最好的朋友
Paris 的真人實境秀My New BFF
BFD = big freaking deal 大買賣
BHL8 = be home late 會晚點到家
BIF = before I forget 以免我忘記
(例: hey, BIF, Ken’s Bday is this Friday以免我忘記 先跟你說 Ken 星期五生日)
BION = believe it or not 信不信隨你
(Du, BION, I just saw boss is hitting on Jen信不信隨你, 我剛看到老闆在調戲Jen)
BOL = best of luck 祝好運
BRB = be right back 馬上回來
BTW = by the way 順便一提
BYOB = bring your own beer 自己帶啤酒
(du, game night! you coming or what? BYOB 今晚有球賽,你來不? 自己帶啤酒)
BTD = Bored to death 無聊死了?
CBB = can’t be bother 請勿打擾
CM = call me
CMON = come on
CSG = chuckle, snicker, grin 三笑:咯咯地笑, 竊笑,露齒而笑
(例: CSG, that’s so funny) 比較女生用形容某件事很好笑
CSL = can't stop laughing 無法停的笑
CU = see you 待會見
CRBT = crying real big tears 大哭 (CRBT!! That’s so sad!)
CY = calm yourself 麥激動
DIKU? = do I know you? 你哪位
DIY = do it yourself 自己來
Dilligad = Do I Look Like I Give A Damn 我不在乎 不想聽
(例: A: du I saw your ex w/ another du last night ㄟ我昨天看到你前馬跟一個男的ㄟ. B:Du, DILLIGAD? 我不在乎)
Do I look like I give a damn?
DL = download 下載
DUR? Do you remember? 你記得嗎?
DTS = don't think so 不覺得ㄟ
EOB = end of business 沒事了 (談公事結尾用)
EOM = end of msg 沒事了 (閒聊結尾用)
ESAD = eat sh** and die 去死!(罵人用)
F2F = face to face 面對面 (例: Du, long story, talk to you F2f 說來話長 見面談 )
FB = Facebook 臉書
Fwd = forward 轉寄
FYI = for your information 給你參考用
(FYI, this website is on sale給你參考一下 這網站在大打折) 通常會附上網址或附件
For your information
FYA = for your amusement 給你娛樂用
(FYA, this girl is so hot給你參考一下娛樂用)通常會附上網址或照片
GF = girlfriend 女友
G2G = got to go 要走了
GAL = get a life 你很無聊喔 找點事做好嗎
GGA = good game all 打game用語 結束時跟大家說:打得好
GL = good luck 祝好運
H8 = hate 恨
HAG1 = have a good one 說再見時用 祝人有愉快的一天
HTH = hope this helps 希望有幫到你
HW = homework 功課
ICYMI = in case you missed it 以免你沒看到Twitter slang推特常用
(例: ICYMI, here is the music video I talked about 以免你沒看到 這就是我說的那個MTV)
IDC = I don't care 我不在乎
IDK = I don't know 我不知道
IDTS = I don't think so 我不這麼認為
IOW = in other words 換句話說
JK = just kidding 開玩笑啦
K = okay
LD = long distance 遠距
LMAO = laughing my a** off 我要笑死了
LMFAO = laughing my freaking a** off 我真的要笑死了 (脫肛)
LOL = laughing out loud大聲笑 (情侶間會用lol代表lots of love)
Msg = message 訊息
MWAH = kiss (sound a kiss makes) Mwah狀聲詞 親親的聲音
MYOB = mind your own business 管好自己吧你 別多管閒事 閃開
MTFBWY = May The Force Be With You星際大戰台詞!願原力與你同在=good luck
NH = nice hand 打得好 (通常用在打牌的遊戲裡誇獎對手)
NM = not much 沒什麼 (例: A: Sup? B: NM) Sup=what’s up
NM = never mind 算了
NP = no problem 沒問題
OG = original gangster有案底的幫派份子
(饒舌歌手TI 歌詞 "I graduated from the streets and now I’m an OG" 我從街頭畢業而我現在是OG, 例: Look at that OG in the fancy car!)
OIC = oh, I see
OMG = oh my god
OMG = oh my
pls or PLZ = please
ppl = people
Prolly = probably 大概喔
RIP = rest in peace 安息吧
RLY = really 真的嗎
RME = rolling my eyes 翻白眼!
ROFL = rolling on the floor laughing 笑到在地上翻滾
PS = Post Script 喔對了(有點像By the way的用法)
RSVP = 法文respondez s'il vous plait = please reply 請回覆
SRY = sorry
Sup = what's up?
T+ = Think Positive 往好的地方想
TC = take care 照顧自己
TG = thank goodness 感謝上帝
THX = thanks 謝啦
TMI = too much information 一下子說太多記不得了
TTYL = talk to you later 待會再說
TY = thank you = 10Q 謝啦
TIA = thanks in advance 先謝啦
TGIF = Thank goodness it's Friday 感謝上帝終於要周末了
TM2T = Too Much To Type 要打太多字了
TTTT = to tell the truth 說真的
UL = upload 上傳
UR = you are / your
VIP = very important person 很重要的人
W/ = with
W/E = whatever 隨便啦
W/O = without
WRK = work 工作
WTF = what the f***
WTG = way to go (= good job) 幹的好
XOXO = hugs (x) and kisses (o) 抱抱親親
(例: Ty, XOXO, UR my BFF 謝謝! 給你親親抱抱 你是我永遠的好朋友)
XLNT = excellent 太棒了
Y? = why? 為何?
YD = yesterday 昨天
YW = you're welcome 不客氣
ZZZZ = sleeping or bored 睡覺的符號 等的不耐煩時用