

當圖形辨識功能開啟時,股票衝過突破買點后在15天(3週)內勁漲20%或更多將會激活價量圖上的突破高漲旗。在確認基本面及技術面確實不錯 后,MarketSmith創始人威廉•歐奈爾建議投資者持有這樣的股票至少8週(自股票突破當週算起),以防被正常的震蕩甩掉,因為這樣的股票很有可能 成為市場的大贏家。



Power from Pivot Flag

Stocks advancing in price 20% or more within 15 days (3 weeks) of the Pivot are marked with a Power from Pivot Flag on the chart when our Pattern Recognition feature is enabled. If you encounter this scenario with a stock with top quality fundamentals and technicals, MarketSmith founder William J. O’Neil advises you consider holding the stock at least eight weeks from the Pivot to avoid getting shaken out of a stock that might have the possibility of being a big winner.

At the eight week mark, you should reevaluate if the stock should continue to be held. The percentage in the flag indicates the highest percentage gain the stock reached during the first 15 days from the Pivot.


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